Blessed to Be a Blessing: A Prayer to Save the Unrighteous

In life we love to be in conversations. We long to talk to someone about the things that are happening in our life. Have we ever taken the time to measure or plan for the very purpose of what we want to say to someone?

In this well-known passage we find the Lord in a conversation with Abraham. As we take a closer look at the dialogue we can come to the conclusion that one of the purposes for the conversation was for the mercy of the “wicked”.

Just as with the prayer request of Abraham we must be in a purposeful conversation with the Lord about his plan for mankind.

The problem that most of us encounter as we engage in conversation; we have not established reason or desired outcome.

When we enter into a conversation there must be an established desired result. As with the Lord and Abraham these five things must be the ultimate outcome of the conversation.

  1. Work intentionally to create what we want, (Genesis 18:23-32)
  2. Consider what the other person wants, and (Genesis 18:20)
  3. Be better communicators. (Genesis 18:23-32)
  4. Request maximum mercy for all of mankind and, (Genesis 18:23-32)
  5. Never stop praying. (1Thesselonians 5:17)