Blessed to Be a Blessing – The Call of Abraham

In last weekend’s message, “The Call of Abraham”, Pastor Dave showed us how the promises God made to Abraham are still impacting the world today.  It all started with God reaching out to a good man named Abraham and he believed God.  Through Abraham’s story we see ourselves and what it takes to follow God into  a life of adventure, purpose, and love.  Use this week’s Life Action Points to apply the message to your life.
LAPs 1: Read James 2:23. Abraham believed God’s promises and followed.  The result of his belief was that he became righteous before God and became known as a friend of God.  Like Abraham, you are invited to believe God; be righteous, and be a friend of God.  Is there anything holding you back from the life God wants for you?  If so, name is and lay it before God.
LAPs 2: Read Hebrews 11:8-10. There were times when Abraham followed God and did not know exactly where he was going.  He trusted to to lead, guide, and protect.  When God speaks he may only give you instructions to get started.  You have to step out in faith for the rest.  Your response will determine what God does in your life.  Do you sense God inviting you to follow Him into new territory?  If so, share it with another believer who can join you in praying for guidance and discerning what God is saying.
LAPs 3: Read Gen. 12:1-3.  After the death of Abraham’s father, Terah, God invited Abraham into His plans.  The Lord will often use a milestone in your life to invite you into something new.  Can you discern God’s invitation to you through a milestone?  What was your response?  What did God do through you?  You can cultivate readiness to follow God by having a day by day relationship with Jesus – Prayer, Bible Study, and Fellowship with other believers.

LAPs 4. Read Gen. 12:2-3.  This is the TOP LINE Blessing of God’s Covenant with Abraham.  In it God promises what he will do for Abraham: “make you into a great nations”; “I will bless you”; “I will make your name great”; “I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you.” TOP LINE Blessings are about what God does for you.  It’s an act of God’s Grace and love. You can’t earn it, you just receive it.  Like Abraham, you have been blessed.  Can you see it?   Recount the blessings of God in your life.  Name them, write them down.  Starting with your salvation in Christ.

LAPs 5: Read Genesis 12:2-3.  The BOTTOM LINE of the Covenant is that “all peoples on earth will be blessed through you.”  For the follower of Jesus, the goal of our lives is that our TOP LINE match our BOTTOM LINE Blessing.  The BOTTOM LINE is about what God does through you.  Your life is meant to be a blessing to others.  You’re meant to make the world a little better by the way you live, speak, act and decide.  Take an honest look at impact of your life.  Ask those you trust to ask you about your impact.  Ask God to show you how you should live today to make a positive impact on those in your influence.  Then begin to act on it.