Faith at Work

In last weekend’s message, “Bringing your Faith into your Work”, pastor Dave called us to think about our work and school from a biblical view of the world.  Use this week’s Life Action Points (LAPs) to help you apply the message to your life.

LAPS- Day 1: Read Gen. 3:17-19.  After the fall of mankind, work became harder than it was in the Garden of Eden.  But, remember that work was initiated by God.  And work is good.  It’s how you’re meant to live out your purpose.  Reflect about your work.   What ways can you honor God through your work?

LAPS Day 2: Read Exodus 34:21.  God gave us a pattern for work and rest that is meant to care for creation and to respect our limitations.  When we live by His plans, we align with God’s leadership.  So the question for you is this: What evidence is there in your life that you are aligned with God’s plan for your work?

LAPS Day 3: Read 2 Thess. 3:10.  The Apostle Paul called us to remember that everyone should do their work to contribute their part of shared responsibilities. Paul was very direct in saying that a person who is not willing to work, does not deserve to eat.  An unwillingness to work is a position that does not appreciate the value of work as part of God’s plan to make the world better.  What is your attitude toward your work?  Is there anything you want to change about your attitude toward work?  Be honest with yourself.

LAPS Day 4: Read Romans 12:-1-2. Transformation begins with a change in your thinking.  Changed people are meant to help others find the change they’re looking for in Christ.  Is there anything holding you back from the life you’re meant for?  What can you do to be transformed by a renewed mind?

LAPS Day 5. Read Col. 3:23-24.  The Bible calls us to live before an audience of one person.  That person is Jesus.  When you work, work for Him.  When you parent, parent to honor Jesus.  Whatever you’re doing, if it’s worthwhile, do it as an act of worship to God.  If Jesus were your boss, would you change anything about your work?  You’re meant to live that way all the time, in Christ.  You can do this.