Living the Blessing

Life Action Points

In last weekend’s message, “Living the Blessing” Pastor Dave looked at a dark moment in the life of Noah’s family.  A drunk father who reacted emotionally to his disrespectful son is a recipe for family dysfunction.  We discussed how to overcome family curses and how we can empower the next generation to be who God intended them to be.  Use this week’s LAPs (Life Action Points) to help you live out the message today.

Day 1. Read Genesis 9:20-25.  Noah’s relationship with his youngest son was broken with a bad experience.  What relationships in your life need healing?  Begin the process bu praying for that person and the restoration you long to happen.

Day 2.  Read Genesis 9:24-25.  Like Noah, you have the God-given power to bless and to curse.  Have you unknowingly cursed another person?  Or been cursed?  Curses can be broken by identifying it, inviting God to bring His restoring power, and then replacing the curse with a blessing.

Day 3.  Read Genesis 9:26-27.  Noah blessed his two older sons and cursed the youngest, creating a family dysfunction for the approval of their father.  Do you have a sibling problem in your family?  Begin the healing by being honest about it.  Invite God into your situation, asking him to guide you to deal with it.

Day 4.  Read Numbers 6:24-27.  We looked at blessings in scripture.  A blessings does not have it’s full unless you are able to receive the blessing.  Have you received this blessing from God into your life?  It’s time!  Receive it and live it.

Day 5.  Read Mark 1:11.  The Father modeled blessing by blessing His Son, Jesus.  Every child longs to hear these words of acceptance and love from their parents.  If not they will seek approval from other sources.  Who is God leading you to bless?  Go and do it.